
Come on and join author Melissa Bradley as she sets off on her latest adventure...


If you are not 18, please exit stage left. While there is normally nothing naughty here, I do write and review erotica so there are links to spicy stuff and the occasional heated excerpt.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's the End of The World...NOT

Well it's December 21 and I want to know where the zombies are. I mean really, I was looking forward to starting my own crew ala Walking Dead and kicking some flesheater ass. There's nothing. Damn you, Mayans, what the heck? This means I have to pay my bills...Son of a bitch.  I'm sure the electric company won't accept "thought the world would end and I spent my money hoarding crossbows, katana swords, beef jerky and Diet Pepsi." Ah well...

Thanks for bearing with me while I've been gone. I'm in the midst of so many things right now I could scream. But thank God I am busy. I'll be back with a Christmas post after I finish some of the projects I've got going. And I am also working my way through all the fantastic comments you guys left on previous posts. In the mean time, a huge thanks for sticking and have a wonderful weekend.


  1. I was kinda hoping a cute, single male zombie would invade my bedroom. Darn the luck! It sucks to have to pay bills and tend to other stuff.

    Keep on keeping on, girlfriend.
    Love ya,

    1. Cute single male zombies... That is a species of undead that is rare. ;) It does suck to have to pay bills and get back to pesky real life things. LOL

      Love you, too, my sister friend. :)

  2. It's a pleasure sticking around to see what you come up with here...in your aptly named Imaginarium...good call on the reply to the electric company - mind if I give it a go too! :P

    Busy is good...glad to read you're finishing of some projects - take your time...I'm not going anywhere. Now that my end of the world plans just got shot to hell it looks like I'll be taking a stab at tidying up my office. Yeah, right! Hahahaha

    Merry Christmas...just in case you don't make it back in time...you never know, maybe there's a time delay on this Mayan thing and every part of the world has to pass through the portal of time...or something like that!

    Cheers, Jenny

    1. You can borrow my excuse anytime. It's not just an excuse for the zombies, either. it will work for a natural disaster as well. LOL I guess that means I'd better get cracking on my house work.;)

      Merry Christmas to you, too!! Your words made my week. :)

  3. It's nearly the 22nd here in Australia. As I'm speaking to you from the future, I can assure you that everything is okay! ;)

    1. Yay, I'm glad the world makes it one piece. Thanks for the future update from Oz. :)

  4. Hon, unlike you, I wasn't looking forward to this day at all. Actually, I didn't care about it, coz I don't believe a word from this end-of-the-world shit.

    Anyway, Marry Christmas! :)

    Hey, you may dress as Christmas zombie. That would be cool. :)

    1. Hey hon! I was having a ton of fun speculating about what form this so-called apocalypse would take. I was sure it was zombies. ;) I like that idea of being one for Christmas.

      Merry Christmas, my friend. Hugs!

  5. I'll have to pay my bills - sob. That made me laugh, Melissa!
    Busy is good. Appreciate that you always stop by to see me even when you are busy.
    And it will be an awesome weekend!

    1. Aww.. I'm happy I could give you a laugh, Alex. :) When you're talking bills and end of world, you have to laugh.

      Hope the weekend was awesome indeed.

  6. no no no, it cannot be the end of the world, I need more sex in my life before I allow the end to happen.....

    1. Dahlink I keep telling you to come to Ireland. You will be chased from Galway to Dublin and back again.

    2. I'm waiting for O'Leary Air to open up flights to Ireland and I will come quickly as a storm! Eoin here I come!

    3. I do too, Dez. Wonder if any strapping Irishmen would chase me around? I could get into that. ;)

  7. I goo the book and Thank You. I'm off blogger till after the holidays.

    Wishing you and yours a Happy Christmas.

    1. Oh, I'm thrilled to hear you got the file ok. Enjoy, Anne!

      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family, my friend.

  8. The zombies can't come yet! I'm in the middle of my WIP. Sorry, Melissa. It's my fault. I asked Death and Chronos to postpone the End of the World for me. Too much to do still.

    1. Well, as long as you have WIP, Laura, I'm glad the zombies haven't come, yet. You have Death and Chronos wrapped around your little finger, I see, and you've used that power wisely. ;)

  9. Worst. Apocalypse. Ever.

    (See you next week!)

    1. I agree! :) Will defintiely see you around these parts next week.

  10. "I spent my money hoarding crossbows, katana swords, beef jerky and Diet Pepsi" I'm sure the Katana part would catch their attention Melissa. LOL

    1. Glad you got a laugh, my friend. Yeah, I think the phone company would most assuredly wonder about katana sword hoarding. ;)

  11. No zombies here. I envisioned Cthulhu, but he didn't appear either.

    1. Hi Diane! Funny how we are so not getting our apocalypse dreams. Ah well... back to the old grindstone for sure.

  12. We could all be in purgatory, sadly it seems just like regular life....

    1. Real Life=Puragatory... I could see that. Makes the bad stuff harder to take, somehow.

  13. So glad to see you active in the Blogosphere once again!
    Some Dark Romantic


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