
Come on and join author Melissa Bradley as she sets off on her latest adventure...


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Monday, February 6, 2012

Break It Down: The Super Bowl Commercials

So yesterday was the Super Bowl, the high holy day for those of us who are NFL football fanatics. And of course, with the big game came the commercials. I love watching what these advertisers come up with to try and entice us into shelling out more dough for stuff we already don't need.

The Good

I loved these three commercials. They were clever, funny and had a broad appeal to both women and men. I geeked out over the Metlife Insurance spot and the Ferris Bueller tribute from Honda.

The Bad

These were just lame, boring or otherwise unappealing.

Go Daddy (as per usual)I wonder if any women even consider Go Daddy when looking for domain names. I know I don't.

Kia Optima. This one is so cliched, its stupidity is self-explanatory. I mean does Kia actually think they'll draw in female buyers with this? We do purchase cars more than guys these days. And really, heavy metal and bikini models for an Optima? That's like dressing up grandma in a biker jacket.


This title goes to Fiat for this strange commercial. If a car is going to be a woman, then she should be a Ferrari and not a Fiat. Otherwise, it's not much of a fantasy is it? It's kind of like taking a spa treatment at the local Comfort Inn. And what about this would actually influence a woman to buy a Fiat? But, then again, Fiat probably though they took care of the female audience with their lame J-Lo ad.

What did you think of these commercials? See any ads that annoy you when you watch TV? Any commercials you love?


  1. Agree with you on that last one! My first thought was that the guy wanted to have sex with the car.
    I'd seen the long version of the Ferris Bueller one last week. Wish they could've played that version, but that might've cost a bit of cash.

  2. @Alex LOL Sex with the car. Too funny!

    Yeah, I wish they would have run the whole Ferris ad, but it would cost them a huge bundle.

  3. Hi Melissa, I enjoyed the M&M one too, as well as the Chevy trucks at the end of the world, and the Pepsi one with Elton John and everybody.

    That was one fine game and the half-time performance was great. I think this was the most fun Super Bowl that I have ever watched.

    Thanks for bringing us copies of these commercials, somehow I missed a few of them.

    Have a great week!

    Kathy M.

  4. Normally I enjoy Superbowl commercials but this year I found them to be... lame. Does anyone else remember when they actually had good commercials?

    I did like the Matthew Broderick one though. Especially the end "what are you still doing here? Don't you have anything better to do?" part.

  5. Great picks for both categories. You can guess my favorite. Those last three are lousy attempts at sex-appeal.

    So sorry for your recent health scare, Melissa, but I'm very glad you didn't need surgery and that you don't have anything serious.

    Love, chocolate and a smooth recovery to you.

  6. No commercials on Norwegian TV, instead we pay TV tax, I miss commercials! Why can't we have the choice? Oh yeah I forgot this is not a democracy :/

  7. What? Beckham doesn't even get a mention?

    That Honda commercial was a good one. :)

  8. Classic mischievous post, Mel! You wield wit with effortless grace. I
    have to second your love for the M&M and Honda commercials. A Ferris Bueller reference foretells good things. And the Met Life commercial was also adorable.

    Your breakdown of the "Bad" and "WTF" was dead-on. There was a lot of commercial garbage to sift through, and I'm happy you revived the title of Queen of Evisceration.

    Great post!

  9. Save Ferris!! I did really like that commercial. And I hope to hell that if I'm ever overdosed on dreamy sparkle juice that Vince Neil is not in my fantasies. And I'm pretty sure that white stallion would actually outrun the Kia.

  10. I liked Seinfeld, Matthew Broderick, the Chevy Apocalypse, and MetLife. I'm not much on any M+M commercial that leaves out Yellow (voice of the great J.K. Simmons) and the truly sexy M+M - Green! But, it was okay. The rest were meh.

  11. great commercial crit- though i do love the fact that there is a giant sub in that dream one and that the guy blows off all the other chicks to go get his wife and drive off into the sunset with her!

  12. Yes! I was waiting for someone to do something like this, so I'm glad the torch fell to you. I do love me some Superbowl commercials. The Ferris Bueller one definitely made me happy, I'll say that. And the car sex was just weird. But I've got to say, my favorite had to be Clint Eastwood's ad for the American Worker. The dude gives me chills, even if he's reading the dictionary.

  13. Ferris Bueller, Clint Eastwood and Car Sex...I thought it was pretty entertaining ;D

  14. Cartoon one I loved! BTW...I made you new blog of the day.

  15. @Oregon Weren't the M&M's just adorable? You know, I forgot about the Chevy trucks, that was good, love the Twinkies LOL.

    I had fun watching this game as well. You have a great week, too. :)

  16. @M.J. I have to agree. Overall I was not impressed with too many of the commercials. I used to look forward to all the cleverness. Matthew was brilliant. And that end was spot on. :)

  17. @Robyn Thanks! Chocolate will go a long way to making me feel better. I'm very happy I can still have it. LOL

    Yeah those last three were just trashy. Your fave, hmmm would it be the chocolate M&M? :)

  18. @Siv A TV tax? Wow, that is interesting. I hope the FCC doesn't take inspiration from that LOL. I wouldn't want to pay more tax and I think I would miss the convenient bathroom and refrigerator breaks the commercials provide. :)

  19. @L.G. I missed the Becks ad. Can you believe that? He is always a hottie, though. ;)

  20. @Dezz M&M's certainly are delicious awesomeness, are they not? ;)

  21. @Matt Queen of Evisceration... I like that wonderful title, thank you very much, good sir.

    I agree there was a lot of commercial garbage with more than a few mediocre duds. I also enjoyed the Doritos dog commercial. It was pretty funny.

  22. @Julie LMAO Yes, I quite agree that stallion could easily out distance the Kia. And you're right, I sure hope Vince Neil does not show up in my Sandman fueled sparkly dreams, either. He's more like hangover-induced nightmare. ;)

  23. @Craig I missed Seinfeld. Can you tell I was just not that interested in the commercials this year? LOL

    And oh yes, Green is the sexiest M&M of them all. Yellow rocks, too. :)

  24. @Vic LOL yes, the man taking his wife over the bikini brigade is a redeeming feature of the commercial. Guess they wanted to instill the family car idea in there somewhere. :)

  25. @M Yes, the Clint commercial was very powerful. He is bar none one of my all time faves. LOL he could read the dictionary and keep me entertained, too.

  26. @Ella I always have fun watching what the ad people crank out. Ferris, Clint and the cartoons were too cool.

  27. @Copyboy Aww.. Thank you so much for that honor. You rock!

    I loved, loved watching all my childhood faves parade to the game. It was genuis for me.

  28. Hey Melissa...I didn't watch the Super Bowl - got busy with my daughter (went swimming and did some running around for her new mermaid tail) - but I'm dropping by to say I've read your last few posts - I hope you are mending and feeling better. Even a small hernia is no "laughing" matter (laughing hurts, if I remember correctly)...anyway, get better soon!

    Cheers, Jenny @ Pearson Report
    Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  29. @Jenny Thank you so much for reading my posts. I appreciate your kind thoughts very much.

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun on Super Bowl Sunday. A mermaid tail... sounds like this is going to be an adorable costume. :)


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