
Come on and join author Melissa Bradley as she sets off on her latest adventure...


If you are not 18, please exit stage left. While there is normally nothing naughty here, I do write and review erotica so there are links to spicy stuff and the occasional heated excerpt.

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Call For Help

Very short post today, but a very important one. Candace from The Misadventures In Candyland is in need of our help. You all have helped me so much with your kind words and in other ways this year, that when I found out about Candace's plight, I wanted to do something to help. I understand will be taken down in 24 hours.

I know times are tough and our various situations are less than ideal, but even if you just repost or spread the word. She's an awesome friend to the blogging community and I love her attitude. I only wish I had seen this sooner. Thank you guys. You are all amazing. And thank you for all of the incredible, heartwarming comment you left on my Insecure Writers Post. That made my week. Hugs! I'll be back soon with more fun, I promise. Hugs to you my Imaginarians, my friends. :)


  1. I don't get it. In this post she simply says that she wants to be contacted and that she's kinda obsessive - or did I miss something?

  2. I saw that the other day.
    She said she'd take down the post after two days - maybe it's already gone?

  3. Oh my, I wonder what's going on here. o_o

  4. Hey, Melissa,

    Here's hoping you have a great weekend. Going to check on your friend.

  5. yep, I think people need to clikc the first link instead of the second one. It seems that girl is really going through some difficult times :(

  6. Sent a little something. Glad I could help out.

  7. ah, finally found it. Donated a little, hope it helps a bit.


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