Come on and join author Melissa Bradley as she sets off on her latest adventure...
If you are not 18, please exit stage left. While there is normally nothing naughty here, I do write and review erotica so there are links to spicy stuff and the occasional heated excerpt.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
A to Z Challenge...Oh. My. Gawd!!!
Ok, so yeah I'm freaking out about tomorrow's kick off. I'm excited, too. I have a strategy. No, I have not preprogrammed all my posts, I'm a pantser, but I do have a working theme. My fave little alphabet pictures plus fun facts about me, my work and other cool things that cover each letter. I do plan to visit 10 to 20 blogs a day and I will, even if it's late at night. I'm a night owl and do my best work nocturnally. I will do my darndest to make sure I visit as many as possible. I will also leave a comment for any posters here because I love talking with and meeting new people.
I can't wait to see what everyone does. Good luck to all my challenge buddies out there. We rock!
I also have some big news. The wonderful Stephen Brayton, author of Night Shadows, is interviewing me on his blog tomorrow. Stop on by if you get a chance. I'd love to see you there.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Cool Things
I have more coolness to share with you, my fabulous followers and readers. First, awesome author Jessica Bell aka The Alliterative Allomorph has her debut novel, String Bridge, coming out from Lucky Press LLC this November. I am really excited. This is an awesome trailer and she is singing an original song written by her mom. Check it out, then be sure to head over to her blog. She's absolutely fantastic.
Next, the remarkable Jules at Trying To Get Over The Rainbow, gave yours truly the fabulous MeMetastic Award. This is a wonderful shout out and indeed her announcement made me smile the brightest smile in days. Can you see it? I'm still smiling. :)She is a true friend to the Imaginarium and you should definitely stop by her blog as soon as you can.

Now, as part of my acceptance I must tell you all four truths and one lie. Hmmm, whatever will I say. I have a dark side that comes out in my twisted sense of humor, I love scary movies and movies where things blow up, I am a muscle car junkie, an avid bowler and I love Keira Knightly. I'm not a very good liar so you'll probably guess that one easily. Now, I'm going to use my magic MeMe wand and tap five cool recipients, thereby spreading the love.
PK Hrezo@ PK Hrezo
Matt@ FilmMattic
Nancy@ NR Williams Fantasy Author
M Pax@ Wistful Nebulae
Victoria aka Aspiring X@ Hairnets and Hopes
I encourage you to check out all these blogs as they interesting, informative and just plain fun to visit. Oh and if you get a chance, head on over to The Movie411, I have a new post up about the new Lois Lane and Miss Marple.
Next, the remarkable Jules at Trying To Get Over The Rainbow, gave yours truly the fabulous MeMetastic Award. This is a wonderful shout out and indeed her announcement made me smile the brightest smile in days. Can you see it? I'm still smiling. :)She is a true friend to the Imaginarium and you should definitely stop by her blog as soon as you can.

Now, as part of my acceptance I must tell you all four truths and one lie. Hmmm, whatever will I say. I have a dark side that comes out in my twisted sense of humor, I love scary movies and movies where things blow up, I am a muscle car junkie, an avid bowler and I love Keira Knightly. I'm not a very good liar so you'll probably guess that one easily. Now, I'm going to use my magic MeMe wand and tap five cool recipients, thereby spreading the love.
PK Hrezo@ PK Hrezo
Matt@ FilmMattic
Nancy@ NR Williams Fantasy Author
M Pax@ Wistful Nebulae
Victoria aka Aspiring X@ Hairnets and Hopes
I encourage you to check out all these blogs as they interesting, informative and just plain fun to visit. Oh and if you get a chance, head on over to The Movie411, I have a new post up about the new Lois Lane and Miss Marple.
blog award,
Jessica Bell,
Lucky Press LLC,
String Bridge
Monday, March 28, 2011
Thoughts and Goal Check Time
This week has been a bit rough for me as I received a huge reality check. Someone I had known in childhood lost her fight with breast cancer. She fought so hard, for over a decade, and that enemy just kept right on coming back. Carrie fought on, no matter the odds, just like I remember her doing when we were kids. A couple of years older than me, I was always just a little intimidated by her. I wanted to be like her; confident, smart and indomitable in spirit.

I came home from her wake full of sadness and realizing my own mortality. So I took out my list of goals for 2011. Man, what was I drinking was my first thought when I looked at them. Holy hell, I've still got a long way to go was my second. However, I was pleased to realize that I did meet two of my goals. One in getting Byzantine Provocateur published and the other in being more active in social media.

I am losing weight, but I've stagnated some. Lazy is an art form for me on occasion and it is hard to get my ass in gear to work out. I have made no inroads on my monstrous caffeine addiction, which needs to be nixed. I have so much trouble functioning without it, though.

Carrie didn't get to live to a ripe old age with her daughters, but she did a lot in her life. I'm instituting a do-over and getting in gear. I plan on walking a couple miles today and as often as I can. I'm even adding a zumba class. Maybe if I work out with others, I won't be able to make so many excuses like it's cold, I'm tired and blah, blah, blah...I'm setting a limit on my caffeine intake and paring it down til I no longer need it. I only had one glass of soda today, not my usual outrageous number and absolutely no coffee. Needless to say, I have a huge headache, but it will be worth it.
The image at the top of my sidebar goes right to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer site. Please click for more information on how to help fight this disease and please remember Carrie and her two young daughters in your prayers. Thanks.
How about you? Any goals you've met? Need to work on? I'm a good cheerleader.

I came home from her wake full of sadness and realizing my own mortality. So I took out my list of goals for 2011. Man, what was I drinking was my first thought when I looked at them. Holy hell, I've still got a long way to go was my second. However, I was pleased to realize that I did meet two of my goals. One in getting Byzantine Provocateur published and the other in being more active in social media.

I am losing weight, but I've stagnated some. Lazy is an art form for me on occasion and it is hard to get my ass in gear to work out. I have made no inroads on my monstrous caffeine addiction, which needs to be nixed. I have so much trouble functioning without it, though.

Carrie didn't get to live to a ripe old age with her daughters, but she did a lot in her life. I'm instituting a do-over and getting in gear. I plan on walking a couple miles today and as often as I can. I'm even adding a zumba class. Maybe if I work out with others, I won't be able to make so many excuses like it's cold, I'm tired and blah, blah, blah...I'm setting a limit on my caffeine intake and paring it down til I no longer need it. I only had one glass of soda today, not my usual outrageous number and absolutely no coffee. Needless to say, I have a huge headache, but it will be worth it.
The image at the top of my sidebar goes right to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer site. Please click for more information on how to help fight this disease and please remember Carrie and her two young daughters in your prayers. Thanks.
How about you? Any goals you've met? Need to work on? I'm a good cheerleader.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Tales From the Edge of Forever by Alexander Hammond: A Review

Buy Links:
A few weeks ago I told you all about a cool new book called Tales from the Edge of Forever by Alexander Hammond. I had not read it and now that I have, here is my review.
Tales is a nothing-short-of-brilliant anthology that mixes sci fi, fantasy and horror with a dash of spirituality and suspense. Each story is a mind-blowing adventure that inspires an amazing plethora of reactions ranging from incredulous to shocked to Ah Ha to Oh. My. God. From the first page, one is transported into a Serlingesque world where anything can happen. The Universe as we know it is completely flipped. Hammond pushes the envelope in every conceivable way.
The writing is clever, stylish and highly original. Hammond has a real command of description and dialogue that infuses his tales with a unique sensibility. His gift for characterization is bold and compelling. The cast of intriguing characters within these pages range from a boy who realizes he's God to an Air Force colonel who discovers he's really part of an alien/human experiment to an exobiologist attempting to report on a new species.
I had a hard time putting this book down to go to bed, to get off the train, to work on my own stories, anything. In fact, when I absolutely had to work on my edits, I gave this to a friend for safe keeping. And I got her addicted. This book is literary prescription drugs and I guarantee you will be rereading. Why? Because you will find something new that you missed the first time around.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
More Good News and Reviews

I am very excited because my newest story, Byzantine Provocateur has received its first review. The awesome Deniz Bevan over at The One Hundred Romances Project has given Byzantine a 4 star review.
I am so hugely happy right now, I don't have the words. This story is very close to me because it has taken me over two years to finally get it out. I started it at a very low point in my life and it spiraled fast. I didn't think it would ever see the light of publication. I finished that manuscript in November and sent it in. And here we are four months later and it's getting a 4 star review. Sounds like a cheesy Lifetime movie I know, but it all happened. Hand to the Big Guy. I learned it is possible to get through the abysmal shit to the other side and publish the story I was meant to. So to all my fellow writers out there who are struggling, DO NOT EVER GIVE UP.

In other news, you should check out this quirky, cool little film called Monogamy starring Chris Messina and Rashida Jones. Winner of the 2010 Tribeca Film Festival award for Best New York Narrative, it tells the story of Theo and Nat, a Brooklyn couple whose relationship is beginning to unravel. It's very intimate, raw and awkwardly honest. I wrote a review for it over at Static Multimedia.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Maxie Briscoe: Werewolf: A Review by Dempsey Sanders

Dempsey Sanders, all around awesome movie guy and friend of the Imaginarium,is making his inaugural guest appearance today with his first ever book review. I am so proud and happy that he chose my own Maxie Briscoe: Werewolf. Welcome Dempsey and take it away...
Hi Imaginarians!
This is the first time I have ever guest appeared over at someone else’s blog, and I am delighted to have the chance to write here. As an avid follower of Melissa’s Imaginarium I have read many musings and reviews from Melissa Bradley, I have come to respect her opinion on all matters of things especially novels and movies.
Though previously not reading many novels and preferring the visual aspect of what I see on TV and the big screen, in January I received Maxie Briscoe: Werewolf, a new novel written by Melissa Bradley herself.
Now just to give you an insight before I begin this review - I had promised a review of the novel giving my honest opinion regardless if I like the author personally or not, for in the blogging world your written word is your bond and if I had to let one of my own favourite followers down by saying her novel was a complete load of boll**ks with the risk of me looking like a Simon Cowell wannabe, then so be it.
For those of you that have not read or heard of the book, the back of the novel reads…
The name’s Maxie Briscoe and I am a werewolf…
That’s right, Maxie’s a real life, full-moon-loving, Halloween icon. It’s hard for a girl like Maxie. To survive, she hides her true self and acts the part of a normal human, all the while discreetly indulging the Beast within her. Talk about walking a narrow ledge. And that’s not even the worst part of her life. Sex is. Maxie can bench press a pick-up truck and that spells disaster in the bedroom. She can’t have any real fun knowing she might accidentally crush a lover while in the throes. Kind of kills the mood.
When a friend’s murder shatters the careful existence Maxie has carved out for herself, she comes face to face with Damien and Noah, two of the hottest men she’s ever laid eyes on. And it only stirs her Beast and turns her on more when she realizes they’re hot for each other. They’re also the first werewolves she’s run across since her own conversion. The attraction between the three of them is instant, but complicated, and the sex...explosive.
Too bad there’s a killer out there with his sights set on her...
Now like many of you I would imagine, I read the back first, and though intrigued - was I about to read a Stephanie Meyer alternate Twilight story?, a book that I had not long read and was not all that content with, well let me relieve you right there by saying NO, it was clear from the very first chapter that it would be nothing like it which has you hooked at every turn of the page.
From an attack by a werewolf when she was 15 years old, Maxie herself was burdened with the curse of the wolf. She learns to manage both human and wolf sides of her personality by her mother and best friend, and it would seem life is all dandy until she comes across two sexy males who also howl at the moon on a frequent basis, and they want to claim Maxie for their own.
Damien and Noah, two werewolf’s that have been searching all over the country for ‘people like them’, have their sites set on Maxie as a mate after scenting her in a club. Damien is the alpha male, the most dominant one and has a need to take care of everyone. Maxie’s inner beast wants them also, but her human side withdraws for fear of her secret being exposed.
Through the intrigue and excitement both of these dashing men, Maxie’s life takes a dramatic turn after she finds her neighbour dead and she herself looks to be the main suspect. She takes it on herself to investigate the killing, in the hope that the killer does not find her first. Damien and Noah assist with her investigation.

My opinion
From the very first word, the one thing this novel has is plenty of attitude which I found refreshing and quite brilliant, author Melissa Bradley not frightened of delivering a raunchy R-rated line.
Maxie’s character is well thought out and executed throughout the novel, with great character build up to the story. Maxie’s sassy ways, strength and attitude make her a marvellous and enjoyable character that on many occasions are belly aching funny.
The chemistry between Maxie, Damien and Noah continues to work well all the way through the book, the sexual tension between the three enough to creep out from the page and slap you in the face.
Of course then there’s the mystery surrounding the killing which again Melissa Bradley delivers very well, making turning the page more of a must than putting a bookmark in there for later.
Overall this book made me excited, intrigued, and laugh for a 178 pages of absolute pleasure which I found hard to put down.
I may not have experience of reading books or reviewing them for that matter, but Maxie Briscoe: Werewolf is a novel I very much enjoyed, and has made me interested in giving reading a go instead of always venturing out to the big screen.
Here’s hoping Maxie’s adventures don’t end quite yet!
To find out more about Dempsey and his passion for film, visit The Movie411

Dempsey Sanders,
Guest Blog,
Maxie Briscoe,
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Mel's Dirty Dozen: A Guest Post

Come out and have a Drrrty Saturday with me at the awesomely cool film blog Cinemarvellous run by my great friend and all around bad ass movie man George aka Nebular. We have Union soldiers, aliens, wookies and homicidal aunts among the party guests. I've picked my top twelve movies all time, my dirty dozen.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Beneath Dark Stars by KC Kendricks

Uber-talented M/M writer KC Kendricks has a new release out called Beneath Dark Stars. I am very excited because I just love her work. This is the anticipated sequel to her highly successful The Back Stairs. You can read an excerpt at KC's blog Between the Keys.

Fallon Roxbury is back with a mystery on his hands that ties into an old case, but he's reached a dead end and could use a little help. Who better than his sexy partner, Sundown. Being a shifter, Sundown can into places Fallon can't.
Sounds cool, right? Go out and get a copy of both of these wicked sexy stories at Amber Allure.
Monday, March 14, 2011
My Journey into March Madness

Men and Basketball, it's inevitable here at this time of year. The insanity sets in on the males of the species as the field of 68 is chosen. "Did you get your bracket? How much you putting on...? You picked who?" And so on and so forth. But the fever afflicts yours truly as well. Deeply, rabidly...Do not dare come between me and my picks. You might lose a finger or something else more important.

I got started in this insanity a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, i.e. college. I went to DePaul where basketball is pretty much a religion. I played a few times, having fun, learning the ropes from guy friends. Things did not get serious until I started work at a male dominated law firm. When March came around and the office pool opened, I naturally asked for a sheet. And was met with incredulity followed by condescending male laughter. Then "Are you sure you know how to play, Melissa?" "Do you know anything about basketball?" Oh my inner bitch was rearing to go off, but I refrained. I simply nodded and smiled, thinking violent thoughts. My blonde hair and blue eyes belying my inner homicidal tendencies.
Then came the arrogant offers of help. Yeah, I can still here them. "You want me to help you pick your teams?" "Here, why don't you copy my teams, I actually follow basketball." "Melissa, you don't want to take this team because they don't finish strong." "So and so's guard has a knee problem." "Are you sure you want those guys?" Oh. My. God. They are so lucky I did not go postal and mow them down with an AK-47. I grit my teeth, ignored all their advice and turned in my picks.
Much to my embarrassment, I went down early with most of my picks losing in the first two rounds, but the big ones survived. I kept hearing comments all tournament long and getting those pitying looks. I was the only woman who played who did my own picks, never asking for advice from the guys. When all was said and done,though, I had the last laugh.

I leap-frogged over most of the rest of the pack at the end, correctly picking the Final Four and the National Champion. Thank you, UCLA, Oklahoma State, Arkansas and North Carolina 1995. I never won the office pool again, but oh the satisfaction of collecting my share of the winnings that year. To the tune of 400 smackers. Oh yeah, I rule.
Ever since then, it's on when the tourney rolls around. And now, I am off to make my picks. Go Illini!

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Where in the world I am...

Like a big dork I totally forgot to mention some really cool posts. If you want all the info on some interesting novels hitting the big screen, come on over to The Movie 411. I've done my first post as a newly minted co-editor. Yay!! I'll have a review of Red Riding Hood sometime this week there as well.

Sloane Taylor, a truly awesome writer, has graciously spotlighted my newest release, Byzantine Provocateur over at her blog. Sweet as honey...Hotter than Hell is her tag and she sure is.
author spotlight,
Sloane Taylor,
The Movie 411
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Cornucopia of Awesome Sauce

Have a I got a lot of good things to share with you all today. First, it's getting close to the awesome Blogging A to Z Challenge. Hosted by the super cool crew of Arlee Bird, Alex J. Cavanaugh, Jeffrey Beesler, Jen Daiker, Candace Ganger, Karen J, Gowan, Talli Roland and Stephen Tremp, this is going to be ginormous fun. Get on over and sign up. You will love it and you will make so many new friends. This is my first time and I can't wait. Visit the above blogs, because they have some great tips to aid you in the challenge, plus they are all around awesome sites.

Next, friend of the writing community and wicked cool author, Roland Yeomans has a wonderful new book out called The Bear With Two Shadows. A blend of mythology and fantasy, Bear tells the story of Hibbs, a young bear who wanders the earth with The Turquoise Woman, whom he calls GrandMother and in the company of Little Brother, a hawk. He never thinks to question why GrandMother keeps them on the move. He does not realize he is being hunted by the Lakota and a spirit known as Gray Bear. Hibbs is the key to releasing a race of people from oblivion called the Whyte. Turquoise Woman has raised him for this purpose, but she regrets her actions because she has grown to love the young bear. In order for the Whyte race to live, Hibbs must die. GrandMother hides him in the ancient land of Eire, hoping that he will stay hidden among all the fantastical, fearsome creatures there. Hibbs is too strong and noble to remain hidden, though. He is a healer and his power draws attention to him. When the ruler of Eire, a stag being called Cernunnos comes after Hibbs with his forces, the bear and Little Brother escape to Avalon. There Hibbs interrupts a dark ceremony and places himself in the path of Gray Bear. This sounds very intriguing and I am going to have to have a copy right freaking now.
Check out the amazing and brilliant Matthew Rush and his blog The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment. It is a great resource for connecting with fellow writers and all things authorial. This week he has a great series on research resources. I follow his blog and I have learned some valuable things from him and the wonderful friends he has.
Wondering what do about collecting evidence at a crime scene? Look no further than the witty and intriguing Clarissa Draper. She is running a series on evidence collection that is quite fascinating. Tuesdays are her blog days for forensic science, but she also does reviews, critiques and writing tips. She even has awesome tips on blogging. You could learn a lot from her. I know I did and do.
Have a love of astronomy and sci fi? Then you have got to visit MPax at Wistful Nebulae. MPax is an amateur astronomer and writer who has lots of things here that will inspire you for sure.
My time is up for today. I encourage you to check out all these wonderful people.
author spotlight,
blog fest,
new release,
writing advice
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Whoo Hoo!! Now Available...Byzantine Provocateur

ISBN 978-1-61124-072-6
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!! It's a brand new release celebration Sunday for yours truly. High fives and fist bumps all around, yo! Now let me tell you all about my latest naughty creation from Amber Quill Press.
Set in Istanbul, Byzantine Provocateur is an erotic tale about a woman who engages in a make-you-sweat, down and dirty forbidden vacation fling. And in spite of the risk, it's well deserved considering the bad sex she's had. Of course I'm a bit of a softy when it comes to the romance-y stuff so there's quite a bit of that in here as well. But this is erotica, so there is considerably more of the sexy, triple-x action. ;) Just the way I like it...er that's TMI isn't it? Sorry. Now back to Byzantine...
Before I forget, should you choose to purchase my awesomely fantastic tale for some fun reading, it is available at a 35% new release discount, so click here to take advantage.
An ancient city sparks forbidden desire…
Thalia Burton arrives in Istanbul to relax and enjoy the company of her old friend. Hoping to forget the boring rut her life had become, she never imagines one encounter with Fadi's brother re-igniting the dim flame of passion inside her. Captivated by the heat in his golden eyes, Thalia finds herself tempted beyond reason...
Murat Bahar had only intended to meet Thalia as a courtesy to his family. One look at the lovely American incinerates his intentions. She is an exquisite morsel he longs to taste, a taboo treat enthralling him like a siren of myth. Perhaps just one night…
Once is not enough. Thalia and Murat embark on a fiery, secret affair that could burn them both, costing them friends and family.
The lock clicked into place with a muted sound, enclosing Murat and Thalia in their own private world, somewhere out of time. A million half-formed thoughts flitted through her mind, her stomach tightening with a flurry of nerves.
We are really going to do this.
Her gaze darted around the sumptuous room, barely registering the decor until her attention halted on the queen-sized bed. Covered in indigo silk, it was inviting and intimidating all at once—a plush, opulent love nest that made her large bed at home seem like a bunk in a youth camp.
She looked over her shoulder to find Murat regarding her with a contained expression as if he were waiting for a sign. Her pulse jumped under the weight of that stare and the enormity of what she was about to do. All her bravado in the salon fled. She was completely out of her element now. Aside from a couple of drunken gropings in college, all her sexual history, brief as it was, had been in relationships. This would be her first official one night—make that one day—stand.
He moved in, sliding his arms around her waist and drew her against him. “If you are unsure, we can halt this,” he murmured against her hair, brushing his cheek along the top of her head.
“No,” she choked out, closing her eyes as his warm breath feathered the shell of her ear, sending tiny thrills all the way to her toes. “I’m just a little nervous, that’s all.”
“Then I will relax you.”
about Melissa,
Amber Heat,
Amber Quill,
Byzantine Provocateur,
new release,
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Check Out The Zombie Farm

Love zombie movies? Can't get enough of those shuffling flesh eaters? Well come and check out my review of this strange, campy, but somehow fun film The Zombie Farm aka Macumba over at Dead End horror blog. For some oddball reason I liked this movie. It was fun and weird and just the thing for a late night when I was stressed and having trouble sleeping.
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